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Our Dedicated Staff Members and Executives 



Ian Mathole
Nomthandazo Nduku
Programs Officer

Ian Mathole is the  founder and director of All About Love Trust Zimbabwe and one of its most passionate memebers. Ian has over 10 years’ experience working with youth and is well versed on their needs and development. Much of Ian’s experience come from his work with Christian groups such as the Scripture Union, it is this experience working with children affected by HIV/AIDS that made him realize that children need love, attention and even appreciation. It is this principle which guides his work.



Nomthandazo has earned social work degree from the University of Zimbabwe. She is very passionate about children especially those living with HIV/AIDS. She has much experience in working with children in difficult situations, while encouraging them to live positively. She has training from some of the best as she did her internship at AFRICAID and Social Services of Zimbabwe. Nomthandazo is truly an asset to the construction and administration of our programs for children and youth.



"The dedication of our staff and volunteers is truly a blessing, they have helped many kids develop into amazing and productive people!"-- Founder and Director, Ian Mathole


Tsitsi Svosve
Admin Secretary

Tsitsi has a diploma in Human Resources/Management and a Secretarial Diploma in Information Technology. She is the public face of our organization and has a reputation for being honest and excelling in public relations and outreach.

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